
Manifestor is your copilot

for personal growth

Manifestor is your copilot

for personal growth

Get the tools, insights, and support you

need to manifest your dreams into reality.

Get the tools, insights, and support you

need to manifest your dreams into reality.

Empower your journey

Ideal day

Access your peak state state,

get fired up about all your goals

and envision your ideal day today.


Work with your companion to

make things happen throughout

your day by making decisions.

My dream

Connect with your Dream when

you feel lost or like you need to

remember who you are.

Empower your growth

Experience seamless growth and continuous

improvement in all aspects of your life with

AI-assisted goal tracking and optimization.

Sign up for free trial

Direct every moment towards your dream life.

“Manifestor spared me so much anguish. It did it in a manner of minutes. We’re not talking about hours or days or weeks. We’re talking about maybe 60 minutes. Then I was able to get neutral and use communication skills instead of coming from an attacking scarcity place. It was amazing. It’s called Companion for a reason, because it really feels like you have a best friend. You can just dump out everything and organizes my thoughts in a manner of seconds and releases all the tension that was being held with the thoughts, and your mind is freed up. It really feels like being seen and heard. It’s pretty incredible and consistent.

Cathy Delauter

“Manifestor spared me so much anguish. It did it in a manner of minutes. We’re not talking about hours or days or weeks. We’re talking about maybe 60 minutes. Then I was able to get neutral and use communication skills instead of coming from an attacking scarcity place. It was amazing. It’s called Companion for a reason, because it really feels like you have a best friend. You can just dump out everything and organizes my thoughts in a manner of seconds and releases all the tension that was being held with the thoughts, and your mind is freed up. It really feels like being seen and heard. It’s pretty incredible and consistent.

Cathy Delauter

“Manifestor spared me so much anguish. It did it in a manner of minutes. We’re not talking about hours or days or weeks. We’re talking about maybe 60 minutes. Then I was able to get neutral and use communication skills instead of coming from an attacking scarcity place. It was amazing. It’s called Companion for a reason, because it really feels like you have a best friend. You can just dump out everything and organizes my thoughts in a manner of seconds and releases all the tension that was being held with the thoughts, and your mind is freed up. It really feels like being seen and heard. It’s pretty incredible and consistent.

Cathy Delauter

“Manifestor spared me so much anguish. It did it in a manner of minutes. We’re not talking about hours or days or weeks. We’re talking about maybe 60 minutes. Then I was able to get neutral and use communication skills instead of coming from an attacking scarcity place. It was amazing. It’s called Companion for a reason, because it really feels like you have a best friend. You can just dump out everything and organizes my thoughts in a manner of seconds and releases all the tension that was being held with the thoughts, and your mind is freed up. It really feels like being seen and heard. It’s pretty incredible and consistent.

Cathy Delauter

“This is one of the best, most trustworthy uses of AI that I can imagine. You are not creating fake content or passing off generic Internet facts and wisdom as your own… Even in journaling my thoughts often go nowhere in particular and if they do, it seems almost accidental. This app combines writing with conversation. The result is journaling with purpose and results. The app came up with a few suggestions for courses of action but the real action came from my own brain and decisions."
Nancy Myers 

Sign up for a free 2 week trial

Track your progress, get personalized feedback

Access your entire conversation history, ask questions, and get coaching towards your goals based on your data.

Make powerful decisions that take you towards your long term goals

Stop getting caught up in stress and reactive short term thinking, remember who you are and what is important to you, and go towards what you want.

Think better, solve problems

Level up your thinking, go beyond habitual thought patterns and limitations, and find creative and abundant solutions to achieve your goals.

Review your day for lessons learned and growth opportunities

Harvest your experience for rapid growth and transformation.

Coming Soon

Sign up for our waitlist and you can be one of the first people to test Manifestor, with a free trial.

2023 Manifestor, All rights reserved.